Solstice COO Named Heart Walk Executive Challenge Champion
September 18, 2012
Plantation, FL
The American Heart Association has named Solstice Chief Operating Officer, Carlos Ferrera, as the Broward Heart Walk Executive Champion. Over the last two years, Ferrera has led the Solstice team in raising over $50,000 for the American Heart Association, sponsoring the Broward Heart Walk, and earning the title of the “Leading Small Business Fund-Raisers” for the company. Since the beginning of his involvement with the association, he has shown a passion for wellness and a healthy lifestyle for Solstice’s employees – implementing a rich wellness program and fostering a work environment that led the company to be recognized as one of South Florida’s healthiest employers earlier this year.
As an Executive Challenge Champion, Ferrera has pledged to personally raise a minimum of $3,000 in support of the Heart Walk campaign, in addition to attending team leadership meetings and building enthusiasm for this cause through phone calls and emails. “I’m passionate about the American Heart Association and the Heart Walk, not only for personal reasons, but because of what it helps provide to thousands of people all over the world: a chance to lead a healthy, happy life,” he stated upon news of receiving the champion title. “The statistics are there. Heart disease is a real, life threatening, and a growing problem that touches almost everyone to some degree in our community. My own family has had firsthand experience of the tragic effects that heart failure can bring, and with the support of my colleagues, I intend to reduce this concern in any way I can beginning with my efforts for the Heart Walk.” In previous years of participation, Ferrera has been recognized by the American Heart Association as a “Star Walker,” as well as the “Second Highest Fundraiser” at this year’s Heart Walk.
Currently, heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 4 killers of Americans, creating a growing need to help Americans achieve a healthier lifestyle. Taking 30 minutes out of each day to exercise reduces an individual’s risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association encourages Americans to take these health precautions, and has shown this through its annual Heart Walk event. As an advocate of oral health, Ferrera raised awareness of heart disease and the oral health/heart health connection as a guest speaker on the television news stations of Univision and NBC.
The American Heart Association’s 2020 impact goal is to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent, while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent. With the support of hundreds of health-passionate companies such as Solstice, the Heart Association will attain this goal.
About Solstice Benefits:
Solstice Benefits, Inc. is a privately held Florida corporation based in Plantation, FL, that holds a Life and Health Insurer Certificate of Authority, authorizing it to write in the Accident and Health, Prepaid Limited Health Service Organization and Discount Medical Plan Organization lines of business. Solstice administers and markets a wide range of ancillary benefit plans, including dental, vision, pharmaceutical, life, and short- and long-term disability. Through its various products, Solstice provides benefits and services to over 500,000 members and maintains a network of over 9,500 participating dentists. Solstice has approximately 85 employees that form its multi-lingual staff. The company’s business partners and management have over 100 years of combined experience in providing ancillary benefits. Its well-rounded plans, expansive network, and service-oriented mentality keep it in the forefront of the industry.
For information on Solstice, please contact 1.877.760.2247or visit
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