Solstice Wins Three 2015 Hermes Creative Awards
May 06, 2015
Plantation, FL
Hermes Creative Awards announced winners for the 2015 international awards competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals.
Solstice earned three awards: a Gold Level under the Educational Video category for its video, “7 Differences between a PPO and HMO Dental Plan,” and two Honor Mentions for its “Keeping a Clean Toothbrush” and “Anatomy of an Eye” infographics.
There were over 6,000 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries in the Hermes Creative Awards 2015 competition. Entries came from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers.
“This award is especially gratifying because we are a small company--with a modest marketing budget. This award represents our first external video and it was done completely in house,” said Solstice COO Carlos Ferrera. “Best of all, the final product is a result of a team of passionate individuals, coming together and using their various gifts and abilities to create an award winning resource to educate members and consumers about dental insurance.”
Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals ( The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and free-lance professionals. AMCP oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and rewards outstanding achievement and service to the profession.
AMCP judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry. Winners were selected from 195 categories. A list of Platinum and Gold Winners can be found on the Hermes Creative Awards website at
About Solstice
Solstice is a privately held Florida corporation based in Plantation, Fla. Solstice administers and markets dental, vision, pharmaceutical, life and short- and long-term disability benefits plans. Solstice and its subsidiaries also offer Third Party Administration (TPA) services in the Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia markets—and are in the process of expanding nationwide. It has been named one of “Florida’s Best Companies to Work For” and has made Inc. magazine’s “America’s Fastest Growing Companies” list for three years in a row. Solstice has also developed the Solstice Marketplace, a private health care exchange. Created specifically with insurance brokers in mind, the Solstice Marketplace provides brokers with a one stop shop to offer personalized service to their customers.
For information on Solstice and the Solstice Marketplace, contact 1.877.760.2247 or visit and
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